Friday, February 10, 2012

Once more with feeling Dr. Horrible

The next EXPOsure presentation, happening in March, is a Joss Whedon Double feature: Once More With Feeling (the all singing all dancing spectacular from Buffy the Vampire Slayer) and Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog. I tried to go for an ol' fashioned musical poster for this one, I even included some of the sheet music for "a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do.

Now I'm sure most people would have me run out of town on rails when I reveal that I liked the original Buffy movie more than I liked the T.V. series, but I did. It was a fun flick that I still bring out and watch once in a while. The T.V. series never did float my boat no matter how many times I tried to watch it, and I tried a lot.

Dr. Horrible on the other hand, now this is an amazing show. Loved it the minute I first saw it. I remember anxiously waiting for each new webisode and never being disappointed. Racing out and getting the dvd the second it became available on Amazon. My family even downloaded the soundtrack from iTunes. The cast was perfect, the songs are great and I can't say enough nice things about it. Most people looked at me like I was a freak when I would share this gem with them, eventually they came around to realize it's greatness, and when the Expo brought Felicia Day to town last year it was a real thrill to meet her and get a picture of her with my daughter (my daughter was wearing her brain slug hair band which intrigued Ms. Day).

So if you're in Calgary on March 4th and you want to support the Calgary Comic & Entertainment Expo and the Make-a-Wish Foundation, go to the Plaza and check out the "All Singing! Some Dancing! Wheadon Double Feature!"

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